Vaginal Rejuvenation

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy for Sexual Rejuvenation

Vaginal Rejuvenation with Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Female sexual dysfunction is common and mainly caused by ageing, hormonal changes, medical problems, psychological and relationship issues. These can all lead to problems with arousal and lubrication, or even painful sex, a condition known as dyspareunia. There are no FDA-approved treatments for women with sexual arousal difficulties, like Viagra for men. Vaginal rejuvenation with Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) is a regenerative treatment which is clinically proven worldwide achieving enhanced sexual benefits. Doctor Farzana is the only Doctor in the North of England who offers Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) vaginal Rejuvenation treatment as a non-surgical treatment in female sexual dysfunction. 

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy for Sexual Rejuvenation

PRP is a non-surgical treatment designed to rejuvenate the vulva and vagina using your own plasma rich in growth factors which will boost and repair your vaginal tissue. When PRP is injected into the vaginal area, it promotes healing of the vaginal tissues and improve quality of the vaginal walls. PRP also enhances vaginal lubrication and sensitivity in the clitoral complex and can help treat symptoms such as dyspareunia (painful sex), vaginal dryness, frequent vaginal infections, and urinary incontinence. Women who have had the PRP vaginal rejuvenation treatment have shown to have enhanced sexual benefits including improvement in sex drive, arousal, sensitivity, and the ability to have orgasm.

PRP benefits women who are struggling with

• painful sexual intercourse
• inability to orgasm/sexual dysfunction
• reduced sensation
• urinary incontinence
• weakness of the vaginal walls
• lichen sclerosis

The procedure utilises growth factors extracted from a sample of your own blood, stimulating new tissue growth within the clitoris and vagina.

To develop a PRP preparation a small blood sample is taken from your arm and put through a centrifuge ( high speed spinning machine ) which separates the plasma from the blood. The plasma contains platelets which are rich in growth factors that stimulate cells to repair and regenerate the vaginal tissue. Local anaesthetic is applied to the intimate area and PRP is injected into the vaginal tissue.

The treatment takes 45 minutes with no downtime or risk of allergies. It is recommended to have a course of 3 treatments 4-6 weeks apart.

After 2 courses of treatment for PRP for sexual rejuvenation I have noted a significant improvement and overall satisfaction,
achieving heightened sensitivity and extended orgasmic sensation. The procedure carried out by Dr Khan at The Harrogate Clinic. Patient care was of the highest standard and of minimal discomfort.

Mrs T


Horsforth Smile Clinic
2 Town St, Leeds LS18 4RJ
0113 258 8780




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