
Improve vaginal dryness with hyaluronic acid

Women’s Intimate Filler

Doctor Farzana offers a range of injectable hyaluronic acid hydrogels treatments which are licenced and specifically designed to provide hydration and comfort in the vulvo-vaginal area. They are affordable and safe treatment for women who would like to rejuvenate their vagina and labia majora.

Hyaluronic Acid for Vaginal Dryness and Labial Augmentation

The Vulva is the anatomical area that contains the external female genitalia and includes the clitoral hood, clitoris, Labia Minor and Majora. Aging of the vulva, labia or external genitalia such as the labia majora can occur with age-related changes such as those experienced on the face, neck or body. With age decreasing estrogen and childbirth, there is often a general loss of tone and elasticity to the soft tissue with decrease soft-tissue fullness, increasing wrinkling and lack of support of the external genitalia. This can result in loss of functional issues in the vaginal region. such as flattening or sagging of the labia majora or an uneven labia majora. The aesthetic unappealing loss of integrity structure with a wrinkled and deflated labia majora in conjunction with vulvovaginal atrophy can lead to vaginal dryness, painful sexual intimacy and reduced sexual pleasure. Using local anaesthetic, hyaluronic is injected into the concerned area to improve and strengthen the vaginal tissue. Effects of treatment can last up to 12 months.

Women’s Intimate Filler will:

    • improve vaginal dryness and irritation
    • rehydrate and strengthen vaginal tissue
    • even out any asymmetries in your labia
    • improve the appearance of your vulva
    • increase sexual pleasure
    • improve sexual arousal

 The procedure takes 30 minute with numbing cream applied to the vaginal wall and hyaluronic acid injected into the G spot

When I first heard about Desiral, I thought it was only meant for women who were struggling with intimate dryness,
vaginal discomfort, and irritation.

Honestly, I didn’t personally face any of those problems, but I was curious to see if it could improve hydration and overall tightness. To my surprise, it actually made a noticeable difference for me. Even though I’ve never had any discomfort during sex, after the treatment, I could feel that I became more moisturized, which added to the overall pleasure. It was quite an unexpected bonus!
Now, I’m really excited to take the next step and try Desiral Plus!

Paula C

Dr Farzana offers Women's Intimate Health treatments at a number of clinics across the North of England. Please contact via phone or email on the details below to find out your nearest location.




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